War Diary1.5.1941 U-BOAT CAMPAIGNShips Attacked (British 5583 tons, independently Halifax for Liverpool) Request you will sail RESTIVE and TENACITY to assist NERISSA torpedoed in 56 deg. 08' N., 10 deg. 27' W. at 2230/30. (F.O.I.C., G., Greenock 0004/1 to N.O.I.C. Londonderry) NERISSA sunk am picking up survivors in 056 deg. 15' N., 010 deg 20' W., (VETERAN, 0813/1 to C. in C., W.A.) 90 survivors ex NERISSA five hospital cases. E.T.A. Lough Foyle 1600. Request survivors may be moved to allow me to catch O.B. 316. (VETERAN 0940/1 to C. in C W.A.) If possible transfer survivors to LINCOLN and then proceed in execution of previous orders. (C. in C., W.A. 0954/1 to VETERAN) Your 0954 LINCOLN reports 17 hours from me. Have two cot cases and require to top up. Consider most expedient course as in my 0940. Request approval. (VETERAN 1204/1 to C. in C., W.A.) Your 1204/1. Approved, as intended. (C. in C., W.A., 1402/1 to VETERAN)
Herb Coles "Remembrance Day" Story Capt. Gilbert Ratcliffe Watson Court of Inquiry & Official Documents Wartime Evacuation and the Children's Overseas Reception Board Memorials - In Honour & Remembrance Location of the Nerissa Sinking using Radio Messages and Co-ordinates
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